Why do you support the legalization of marijuana

Blog Archive

Friday 30 March 2007

Cooking With Mary Jane Part 7 - Jello Gigglers

• 1 package of Jello
• 1 Cup of boiling water
• ½ cup of ice cold water
• ½ cup of Green Dragon

Mix 1 cup of boiling water with the jello crystals. Add the cold water and green dragon. Pour mixture into individual 1 oz paper cups for jello shooters or in a jello mold for a tasty desert.

Cut the cold water and green dragon in half and pour into pans aproximately ½ inch deep and use a cookie cutter to make fun shapes

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Man Gets Life In Prison For Marijuana Conviction

Ok, I know the U.S.A. is anal about drugs and all, but come on, life in prison? Sure the guy had more then five pounds, and operated a drug ring, but from what I have read he only had marijuana, nothing harder. Sure believe it or not it could have been worse, if he had been convicted under the Alabama State Drug Kingpin law he could have faced 25 years in prison before getting a chance at parole, now he is eligible in 7 years.

Read the story at The Huntsville Times

Drug Running Tax Deductable

A Dutch court ruled that the cost of drug running is a valid cost of doing business to deduct from your income tax. Tax Services claims they will be taking it to a higher court to appeal the decison though so we shall see how things go from there.

Read the London Free Press story

Judge Wants Pot Given to Prisoner

Grant Krieger was sentenced to four months in jail, but the Judge ruled that he should continue to have access to marijuana and suspended the sentence until corrections officers could find a way to get the pot to Krieger.

Read the CBC story

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Make Marijuana Legal Blog Gets a Mention on FM96

It appears I have a little bit of fame. My blog was mentioned on FM96 this morning by Tucker and Taz the funnymen I mentioned in one of yesterdays posts. I wrote in to tell them I loved their idea of using Chief Murray Falkner's claim that in London you are always within a 15 minute walk of a grow op as a city slogan and put it on the sign. Well in true morning show fashion they did me one better and came up with a catchy jingle for the city of London.

Those of you from the area probably know St. Thomas' jingle which states that you get 25% more life in St. Thomas, well Taz's was your never more than 15 minutes from a grow op in London. The jingle was everything you'd expect, I really hope they play this on a regular basis. What I hope for even more is that they post the jingle on their site so that I can link to it and let all my faithful readers of my blog to have a listen.

They had sent me a request to talk to me on air about the blog, but unfortunately I didn't get it in time to be on air with them, however I did speak with Taz and he did state that if they needed a marijuana correspondent that I would be their man. Well Tucker and Taz, I await the call to action, wherever there is need for a voice on marijuana I can be there. In honour of this I am starting a new label category for this blog strictly for Tucker and Taz, every time this blog gets a mention, or I do speak with them I will enter a new post to the blog reflecting what happened, that way even if you are not within the FM96 Listening area you will still know what is going on, although you could just go to fm96.com and listen online as well, if I know in advance that I will be speaking with them I will create a post on here letting you all know when it will be happening.

Monday 26 March 2007

In Good Company - William H. Gates

William H. Gates III, Chairman of Microsoft Corp., multi billionaire, philanthropist, and rumour has it pot user. Best known as Bill Gates founder and Chairman of Microsoft, Bill Gates was born October 28th 1955 to father William H. Gates II, a Seattle lawyer, and Mary Gates, a school teacher University of Washington Regent and United Way International chairwoman.

In 1973 Bill Gates enrolled in Harvard University where he developed a version of BASIC for the first microcomputer, the MITS Altaire. Gates did not graduate from Harvard however, he left Harvard in 1975 to focus on his start up company Microsoft. Microsoft now earns more then $44billion a year.

On January 1st 1994 Bill Gates married Malinda French, and they now have three children.

In addition to his work at Microsoft he and his wife Melinda operate the Bill $ Melinda Gates Foundation, an organization that they have endowed with nearly $30billion dollars towards worthy causes across the world.

So why is Bill Gates, who is arguably one of the most powerful men in America on my list of In Good Company? In 1994 Bill Gates sat down with Playboy magazine and made a comment which led many to believe that he had used marijuana.

Bill Gates stated in his interview that he had frequented the Combat Zone, a place known for hookers, drugs and adult films while he was attending Harvard. In the interview he admitted outright to using LSD, but did not confirm the use of marijuana.

Source Links:
Bill Gates Microsoft Bio
Bill Gates Playboy Interview
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Police Raid London Compassion Society

The London Compassion Society was raided on Saturday in London Ontario, and police found 840 marijuana plants. The London Compassion Society is part of a network of groups offering marijuana to those with medical needs. While the organizations are not legal officially they are generally tolerated as long as they don't go overboard. The London Compassion Society states that in order to obtain marijuana from them they must provide proof of medical need. At this time I don't know what this proof consists of, but usually with this sort of organization a letter from a doctor confirming diagnosis is required.

Despite finding magic mushrooms, LSD, and cocaine I think this raid was a serious miscarriage of justice. It seems apparent that the London Compassion Society was doing more then they claimed with the additional drugs, but the bust was in relation to their marijuana activities, which should be allowed. If the government would stop harassing organizations like this and start going after actual criminals maybe things would be a little better. Organizations like the London Compassion Society should be regulated and legalized allowing medicinal marijuana users to obtain quality pot easily.

Marc Emery, one time London resident and its best known crusader for the legalization of pot, and known to all as The Prince Of Pot, was quick to make a statement on this raid saying, "It's clearly an injustice and clearly they're going to hurt people by this action. It's a terrible tragedy because otherwise people will be grubbing around on the streets" to get the pot they are legally entitled to.

According to Chief of Police Murray Falkner a grow op can be found within 15 minutes walking distance of any home. Tucker and Taz, the funny morning show hosts on FM96 suggest that we should make this London's new slogan, 15 minutes walk to a source of Pot "The Forest City". Great suggestion guys, now lets get a petition going to recommend this to city council.

Friday 23 March 2007

In Good Company - Introduction

In Good Company will be an ongoing feature of the Make Marijuana Legal Blog which will showcase a different famous pot user. It will contain biographies and information on the alleged pot use by these people. Marijuana use among the famous is more common then some would believe and that is the point of this section, to bring into the light how common it is.

Famous users of Pot (and those who will be profiled on the In Good Company features):

Minister Sues Police Over Marijuana Arrest

The Reverend Craig X Rubin, leader of the notorious 420 Church, is suing Las Angeles police for his arrest for 30million dollars. Rubin's suit states that the police violated his civil and religious rights when he was arrested for using pot for religious ceremonies.

Rev. Rubin's church, the 420 Church believes that marijuana is the tree of life from the bible and that it should be burnt during religious ceremonies. For a mere $100 initiation fee and an additional $100/yr membership fee members can purchase weed for religious practice, including but not limited to getting baked.

Good luck Reverend Rubin.

ABC Story

Cooking With Mary Jane Part 7 - Hot Pot Chocolate

Everyone loves a nice cup of hot chocolate on a nice winters eve, why not give it the added kick to really put a smile on your face.

• 2 cups of cannacream
• 5 oz. of unsweetened chocolate
• 5 tbs of sugar
• pinch of salt (optional)
• pinch of cinnamon or a cinnamon stick (optional)
• ½ tsp of vanilla (optional)
• Whipped cream or marshmallows for topping (optional)

Combine the cannacream, sugar, and salt in a pot and heat on medium low heat. Once the sugar and salt are dissolved add the cinnamon (if you are using a cinnamon stick to not put this in until the end use the cinnamon stick as a garnish) and vanilla and heat to just under boiling and add the chocolate. Remove from heat and stir constantly until chocolate is melted. Pour into a mug and add the topping(s) of your choice and enjoy.

Wednesday 21 March 2007

American's Take Marijuana Border Offenses Seriously

I'll never understand why it is some people risk everything to smuggle pot into the United States of America. Here in Canada we are fairly light on marijuana offenses, however the USA takes these things very seriously as one Toronto woman caught smuggling will find out. She was attempting the old pot in the spare tire trick, trust me folks you don't have a brilliant idea doing that, many have tried it, it is an obvious spot to hide stuff.

According to the Brandon Sun Amanda Copeland has been charged with intent to distribute after US Customs agents found 10kgs of ganga "hidden" in the spare tire of her vehicle as she attempted to cross the Peace Bridge. The Erie District Attorneys office will be prosecuting her case.

Sunday 18 March 2007

Harper's Reign May End Soon

Yesterday Stephen Harper told Conservative Party members that the election call could come at any time according to a CBC article. Harpo wrestled power away from a corrupt Liberal party in January.

This is good news for anyone who supports marijuana law reform The Conservatives policy on drug laws is pretty much in line with the US Federal policy. The Liberals may have attempted a decriminalization before they lost power to Harpo and his goons, but there was no teeth to the bill and they really didn't seem all that committed to actually passing it. For me the clear choice is NDP party. NDP may stand little chance of actually forming the next government, but they have been long time supporters of legalizing marijuana and they have more power then the marijuana party, especially considering many of the marijuana party riding associations merged with the NDP.

Regardless of how you vote, just make sure to actually vote, and learn who you are voting for, don't just blindly follow the party your parents voted for, read the policies, watch the debates, make an informed decision. Start gathering the information early so you can be as informed a voter as possible.

Saturday 17 March 2007

Is There Such a Thing as a Marijuana Addict?

This question comes up a lot when dealing with the pro-marijuana prohibition front, the answer is exactly what they would expect. Yes, there are such things as marijuana addicts. I know some of my readers may be shocked that I believe in marijuana addiction, especially considering my obvious pro-legalization stance. I have seen marijuana addicts, they aren't pretty.

Addiction to anything can do serious damage to the addict and any friends or family they may have. I do think that marijuana addiction should be taken seriously, casual pot heads are one thing, but marijuana addicts are quite another. I have personally seen marijuana addiction affect relationships, it was one of the reasons my marriage ended recently, my wife is addicted, marijuana came first and foremost before our relationship.

So what are the signs of a marijuana addict? Well there are scores of government sponsored propaganda sites dedicated to this topic, search them out if you want, but in my mind the signs of a marijuana addict are the same as the signs of any other addiction:

  1. Inability to resist using it, for example someone who has to have it every day and if they miss a day they get agitated.
  2. Skipping or canceling important appointments in order to pick up weed or smoke up.
  3. Promising to cut back but not being able to.
  4. More thought is put into the addiction then into their own life.
  5. Buying even when they don't have the money, allowing their finances to spin out of control.
So what should be done about marijuana addicts? Same thing that should be done about alcoholics or any other addict, try to get them to stop and get them into some sort of program to help them.

OK, so now you are wondering if I believe that someone can become addicted to marijuana how can I support legalization right? Simple, because I am not a hypocrite. I don't think alcohol should be illegal, or caffeine, nor even tobacco, so why should marijuana, all of those are considerably more chemically addictive than marijuana. Study after study has shown that out of nicotine, heroine, cocaine, alcohol, caffeine, and marijuana; marijuana is by far the least addictive. So why should pot be illegal while coffee is a buck a cup?

The sad fact is anything enjoyable is addictive. Any time you enjoy something your brain releases chemicals and you enjoy the feeling, as you should, well some people are susceptible to addiction, and these people will become addicted to something, it could be a sex addiction, an adrenaline addiction, a caffeine addiction, a marijuana addiction, a heroine addiction, or any number of other things. The question is what right do we have to regulate what someone is allowed to enjoy? It all comes down to personal responsibility. Now I am not saying that everything that could become an addiction should be legalized because it is up to the individual to decide, after all some drugs are so highly addictive and so toxic that they really should be illegal, but weed isn't particularly bad for your health, nor is it overly addictive.

So in closing, yes marijuana is addictive to some people, but that should never be used as an argument for the prohibition of marijuana.

Friday 16 March 2007

Witch Hunt in Salem

A new witch hunt is to begin in Salem, this time in Oregon instead of Massachusetts. Oregon State Senate passed a bill on Wednesday that would allow employers to fire medicinal marijuana users for drug use according to The Register-Guard. The bill ensures that employers who drug test employees and find they are on marijuana are able to fire the employee even if that employee is a registered user under the States medicinal marijuana program.

Luckily not all senators in Oregon are so discriminatory, Senator Floyd Prozanski says the bill will "discriminate against individuals who have not violated the intent of the safe workplace" and says he will continue to try to persuade the House to change the bill so it does not discriminate against workers who are cardholders in Oregon's medicinal marijuana program.

Thursday 15 March 2007

The US Government Would Rather See Americans Die The Spark Up

The LA Times reports that Angel Raich lost her bid for protection against federal prosecution for drug charges yesterday in a ruling by the 9 Circuit Court of Appeals. All is not lost for this woman really, in his ruling the judge did state that should criminal charges ever be laid against her he believed she had more than enough evidence to protect her, but he would not give a ruling protecting her from possible charges in case she made a recovery.

Now being a s Raich lives in California where medicinal marijuana is legal you may ask yourself why she brought this to court at all, after all there isn't even an investigation into her. The reason is simple, the US Federal Government has time and time shown that it is more then willing to arrest and harass people who use medicinal marijuana even when they are permitted by law to do so, Raich is looking out for her future and trying to pave the way for others like her.

Good luck Angel Raich. Don't give up yet.

New Mexico Makes Another Step in the Right Direction

New Mexico legislature gave the ok the second time around for a bill permitting the use of medicinal marijuana according to The Santa Fe New Mexican. The bill calls for the department of health to set up a system of dispensing marijuana to licensed users by October 1st, it also calls for a photo ID for those who are approved for the use of marijuana.

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Cooking With Mary Jane Part 6 - Cannamilk

In part 5 we made Cannacream which can be used in any recipe that calls for milk (if watered down) or cream, however this has to be used immediately and does not keep well. Cannamilk requires no cooking and does not alter the best before date as far as I know.

• 1 liter of whole milk
• ½ cup of ground bud, hash, and/or shake

Pour enough of the milk out to be able to put in the marijuana. Pour the marijuana into the milk, put in the refrigerator and allow to sit for at least 24 hours. Strain out the marijuana and enjoy.

Monday 12 March 2007

Bongeneering Project #1 - Waterfall

In this first of an on going series we will look at homemade devices for smoking up. Now remember check your local laws, I do not recommend using any of these for smoking any illegal substances, but if you want to use them for tobacco feel free.

The Waterfall:

This is a very simple device to smoke up, it takes almost no time to construct and is quite smooth.


  • One small plastic pop bottle.
  • Some tinfoil

  • A large philips screwdriver
  • A Lighter
  • A toothpick, small pin, needle
  • A water tap
  1. Remove the lid of the pop bottle and remove the rubber liner from inside the lid.
  2. Place the lid on a hard surface that will not burn or that you don't care if it burns
  3. Heat up the screwdriver with the lighter.
  4. Press the screwdriver down on the lid until you have a hole, the larger the hole the bigger the bowl you can make.
  5. Leave the lid to cool.
  6. Heat up the screwdriver again.
  7. Make hole on the bottle as close to the bottom as possible, make this hole small enough that you can cover it with your thumb.
  8. If the lid has cooled line the outside of the lid with tinfoil allowing for a bowl to form in the hole created earlier.
  9. Poke many small holes through the tinfoil with the toothpick or pin.
  10. Fill the bowl with tobacco (or whatever you are smoking)
  11. Take the bottle and the lid to the tap.
  12. Covering the hole on the bottle with your thumb fill the bottle up to the neck with water.
  13. Screw the cap back on.
  14. Light the bowl and keep the flame going on the bowl as you remove your thumb and allow the water to drain out.
  15. Remove the cap and suck out the smoke from the top of the bottle.

Cooking With Mary Jane Part 5 - Cannacream

Cannacream could actually be made with 2% milk for a lower fat version, but since cannabinoids are fat soluble the higher fat content of the milk the more effective the absorption.

• 1 cup whole milk
• 1 cup light cream
• 1 cup of ground bud, hash, and/or shake

Mix all ingredients in a pot and gently simmer (be careful not to over boil) for 20 minutes. Strain mixture through a cheesecloth lined strainer. Add water to thin the cream if you desire a thinner milk. Use immediately.

In Part 6 we will make a Cannamilk which does not require cooking, and lasts a little longer and is better for recipes with milk instead of watering down the cream.

Friday 9 March 2007

What Not To Do: Case #3

Case #3: Reported Theft

According to the New Zealand Herald a woman made a call to the police to report a robbery. Apparently some "low-lifes" broke in to this good woman's home and robbed her. The objects stolen were, as she reported to a grinning officer, her three marijuana plants that she was growing outside. Ok people, marijuana is illegal, and the growth of the plants is as well, if you get robbed of your mary jane, do not report the theft to the police.

Cooking With Mary Jane Part 4 - Cannaflour

A quick and easy method of cooking with marijuana is cannaflour. Cannaflour is simply mixing finely ground marijuana with plain flour. Sieve the cannaflour after mixing to remove any lumps or stalks from the flour and store in an airtight container in the fridge for whenever you want to cook. I cannot attest to the strength of Cannaflour, and I suspect unless the recipe you are using contains a fair amount of fatty substance such as milk, butter, or lard you will not likely get much of a buzz at all, but I think that if you cook with a fair amount of fatty substances it would produce a decent buzz.

Wednesday 7 March 2007

What Not To Do: Cases #1 & #2

What not to do is going to be an ongoing feature in this blog demonstrating the stupidity of some potheads in order to show the rest of you out there how to avoid jail time for your habit.

Case #1 Check The Barn Door

A Wisconsin man who stashed his pipe and weed in his underwear when he got his car stuck in a ditch and cops came to assist. When the man stepped out of his car they saw his fly undone and asked if he had anything illegal in his pants, they searched him and arrested him for possession. To top it off this bone head was driving when his license was revoked.

Case #2 Avoid Hitting Pigs

A South Carolina man hit a parked police car on a highway in Orangeburg. When the police examined the car they found 43lbs of marijuana, some joints, and some cocaine. He was charged with Driving under the influence, cocaine possession, and marijuana trafficking.

Tuesday 6 March 2007

The History of Marijuana Prohibition in Canada: Racism and Narcotic Drug Laws

Does anyone know why marijuana is illegal in Canada? It has been shown in study after study to be one of the least harmful narcotics known to man, less addictive then even coffee. So why is it illegal. Some would say it is because the cigarette and alcohol companies have huge lobby groups to keep it so, well that might be part of the reason. Others say it is because it has always been and therefor should remain so, this isn't true.

Cannabis has been in Canada since 1609 and for just shy of three hundred years there was no real issue with it, until 1907. Anyone care to guess what happened in 1907? Maybe it was a rash of crimes due to marijuana users, or some odd illness blamed on the use of pot? Nope a riot. So one naturally assumes at this point that the riot was carried out by pot users. No it was not, it was according to some a labour riot, others call it a race riot.

1907 marked the end of the building of the national railway and the gold out west had dried up. The Chinese had been imported to do these tasks were now without work, Vancouver found itself with a booming population of Chinese who were willing to work for very cheap wages. British Colombian organized labour movements saw these workers as a direct risk to the rest of the population wages. A head tax on the Chinese was in place and a general hatred of Chinese was seen throughout Vancouver. This tension exploded in various labour riots, and several shops owned by Chinese immigrants were destroyed, including several opium dens, which at the time were legal. The owners of these dens demanded reparations from the government, so the government sent the Minister of Labour, the right honorable William Lyon MacKenzie King to investigate. Instead of reparations the Chinese found that their drug of choice opium was made illegal. It was an attempt to get rid of the Chinese from Canada.

So what does this have to do with marijuana? Well American's followed suit, trying to make it uncomfortable for certain minority groups to remain in America by restricting their recreational drug of choice. By the time William Lyon MacKenzie King became Prime Minister in the 1920's several states had already banned cannabis. In steps Ms. Emily Murphy.

Emily Murphy is one of the famous five. The famous five were five women who fought long and hard for the recognition of women as persons under the British North America Act. A brave and well fought battle, all five of these women are heroes without a doubt. However this is not the only thing Emily Murphy did, she went on to become Canada's first female judge, and she is primarily responsible for the cannabis prohibition in Canada.

What almost every history book leaves out when speaking of Emily Murphy is her ties to white supremacy groups. She was a racist, and she saw the effect the opium prohibition, and the newer cannabis prohibition in the USA, and decided to write some articles on the evils of marijuana without any scientific facts, no studies were conducted, it was pure opinion. Here is a sample of one of the articles which eventually went on to form the book "The Black Candle":

"The [marijuana] addict loses all sense of moral responsibility. Addicts to this drug, while under the influence, are immune to pain, and could be severely injured without having any realization to their condition. While in this condition they becoming [sic] raving maniacs and are liable to kill or indulge in any form of violence to other persons, using the most savage methods of cruelty without, as said before, any sense of moral responsibility."
No evidence was presented in this book, no studies were done to research it. This book was published just to sway public opinion against marijuana. And it worked, in 1923 marijuana was made illegal under the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act. Since then there have been stiffer and stiffer penalties for use and sale of marijuana, and little to no research to back up the penalties.

Regina Man Opens Inhalation Room

According to the CBC a Regina man who both owns a hemp store and has a license for medicinal marijuana has opened up an inhalation room in his shop.

Dean Foster suffers from fibromyalgia and has been granted a license to use marijuana to ease his pain. On top of this he is also the owner of Foster's Field of Dreams hemp shop. After checking with local authorities and finding no reason not to he constructed a room for licensed users of marijuana to toke up in his shop. Users of the inhalation room will not be sparking up, but rather have access to an inhaler or vaporizer.

Best of luck Dean, hopefully the Regina PD knows enough to not try and bust you for this.

Uncle gives Pot to 2 and 5 year old brothers

Ok, in case you haven't noticed I am without a doubt pro legalization of marijuana, but these are two potheads that deserve serious jail time for their pot related crimes.

Allegedly while the mother of two children aged two and five slept her brother and a friend taught and encouraged the children to smoke up, and they video taped it. What kind of moron is so reckless as to give marijuana to children? Yes pot is a relatively harmless drug, but non the less this is stupid and dangerous. Who knows what could have happened to a two year old smoking up, let alone the five year old.

I think serious investigation into if the mother knew that her brother might be doing this. I think smoking in front of children is a bad enough idea, these two chuckleheads took it just that extra step further beyond bad idea into moronic.

Cooking With Mary Jane Part 3 - Muffin Tin Pot Brownies

This is all the fun of pot brownies with none of the hassle of having to actually cut up the brownies.

• 2/3 cup of sifted all purpose flour or cannaflour
• ½ tsp of baking powder
• ¼ tsp of salt
• 1/3 cup of cannabutter
• 2 oz of unsweetened chocolate
• 1 cup of sugar
• 2 eggs, beaten
• ½ cup of chopped pecans
• 1 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 350F. Grease 14 muffin tins. Sift flour with baking powder and salt, sift again. Melt the cannabutter and chocolate over hot water. In a mixing bowl beat eggs with an electric beater beat in sugar until well blended. Blend in chocolate mixture. Stir in flour mixture until well blended then stir in the vanilla and pecans. Divide evenly between the muffin tins and bake for 20-25 minutes until done.

Monday 5 March 2007

American's For Safe Access Vs. The Federal Government

After a two year petition process the ASA, or American's for Safe Access filed suit against the federal government of the United States of America for issuing misinformation on medicinal marijuana. ASA is using a little known act called the Data Quality Act as the basis for its suit. Apparently the USA passed a law stating the the FDA must use sound scientific evidence for all information it passes on to the public. The FDA's current position on medicinal marijuana is that there is no medical benefit to the drug. Initially the ASA relied on a petition to change the FDA's statement citing the overwhelming evidence in support of medicinal marijuana, but when the federal government said they would not act on the petition ASA decided to take the matter to court.

Best of luck to you ASA. For more information on this worthy organization go to http://www.safeaccessnow.org/

Friday 2 March 2007

Cooking With Mary Jane Part 2 - Green Dragon

Green Dragon will mess you up. This is one way to ingest marijuana that is instant gratification you will get stoned and drunk (or as I call it Strunk) right away.

• A bottle of the strongest alcohol you can stomach (vodka or rum work well)
• ½ gram of ground bud, hash, or shake per oz of alcohol

Pour some of the alcohol out (as much as a fourth but no more) in order to make room for the marijuana. Put the ground marijuana in the bottle reseal and shake vigorously. Place in a warm dark spot (behind a furnace is ideal) for 2-3 weeks shaking vigorously every day. Use as you would the alcohol you used to make it, you can mix it or drink it straight.

NOTE: All drinks made with green dragon will not be the colour you expect, green dragon does not retain the original colour of the alcohol so it tints any drink made with it accordingly. So drinks such as at Potequilla sunrise will probably have a greenish and purple haze instead of the bright oranges you would expect.

Thursday 1 March 2007

Vermont Makes Another Step in the Right Direction

According to WCAX Vermont is poised to make a step in the right direction with their marijuana laws in a preliminary vote to expand the medicinal marijuana laws of that state. According to the article the laws which currently permits "people with cancer, AIDS or multiple sclerosis to use marijuana to relieve some of the symptoms of their condition" would be altered to allow anyone with a "debilitating" disease.

Keep up the good work Vermont, its a small step in the right direction. Next listen to those people advocating decriminalization, you might find they are not as crazy as you first assumed.


If Marijuana became legalized would you support its taxation?

Do you think our economy can be saved by legalizing marijuana

What do you think the Origins of the slang term 420 is

Would you vote for a politician solely on their stance on Marijuana?

What is your prefered method of using pot? (assuming price is no issue)

If marijuana were legal would you grow your own or buy from a store?

If you use marijuana do your family members no

Do you consider yourself a Pot Head

How often do you use marijuana?