Why do you support the legalization of marijuana

Blog Archive

Monday, 13 August 2007

Lost and Found Pot Patrollers

Ten cops in Skamania County got lost in the woods after removing more then three thousand marijuana plants. They claim that they were too exhausted to make the hike back after doing so and ended up lost. My guess is that they decided to have a little party that night with the “removed” plants.

All of the cops were rescued, and only three had to b airlifted out. But nothing more serious then dehydration occurred.

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If Marijuana became legalized would you support its taxation?

Do you think our economy can be saved by legalizing marijuana

What do you think the Origins of the slang term 420 is

Would you vote for a politician solely on their stance on Marijuana?

What is your prefered method of using pot? (assuming price is no issue)

If marijuana were legal would you grow your own or buy from a store?

If you use marijuana do your family members no

Do you consider yourself a Pot Head

How often do you use marijuana?